12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Материал опубликовала
Юрова Марина Владимировна310
Россия, Нижегородская обл., город Сергач

All the time people read a lot of books, but nowadays they read less and less. We should raise and go into the question: Reading: Forgotten pleasure? Pleasure is an event or activity, that you enjoy or that makes you happy. Forgotten –to not be able to remember sth.

According to the russian statistics amount of people who don't read was on the increase in recent time. Unfortunately, I cannot argue with this fact. My peers think reading is a hard work, and they can't  never find the right book. Many teens spend their free time only with computer games, TV, social network. In my opinion, reading is one of the best hobbies you could have and it makes you happy. Moreover, books bring up children. The main problem is to instill heading love to the children. They are knowledge and wisdom of human experience and we should preserve this generations conjunction. Amazing, but books contain everything that mankind has accumulated.

However, most people don't understand why they should read books?

Of course, they lose a lot. It seems to me that books take an important place in our life and they are necessary for everybody. Reading a good book awakes a lot of positive emotions. Firstly, it develops out look. And it is like traveling to another world . Secondly, reading improves us spelling and vocabulary. Also, it gives us a chanсe to learn and explore new things. Thirdly, book is the best teacher and counselor, because human experience helps us not to make different errors in our life. There isn't a friend so as a good book?

2015 year is the year of literature in Russia, so let's read one or more books. Compromise must be find.  And then reading will not be forgotten pleasure.

Автор материала: А. Гогулина (8 класс)

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